Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Fibrocystic Breast

Fibrocystic breast condition refers to a situation wherein a woman’s breasts have lumps that are non-cancerous. These lumps can cause a great deal of discomfort and other problems. The situation commonly comes about as a result of hormonal changes due to the woman’s menstrual cycle. A woman’s breasts are made up of several mammary ducts that are surrounded by glandular connective tissues that enable the mammary ducts to produce and secrete milk at the last stage of pregnancy or during breastfeeding. Moreover, a woman’s body is very responsive to hormonal fluctuations during menstruation. These hormonal changes sometimes cause women’s breasts to retain fluids that result in breast enlargement, tenderness, and the characteristic lumps. The condition is brought about when the tissues that support the milk glands thicken causing the milk ducts to swell. Afterwards, the sacs become filled with fluids and are now called cysts. The infection may start with one breast but may gradually spread into the other, worsening the condition. The lumps may vary in sizes. However, a small consolation for women is that fibrocystic breast condition is not cancerous, despite huge similarities with breast cancer. The Causes of Fibrocystic Breast Condition The exact causes of fibrocystic breast condition are something that continues to evade medical experts. However, with continuous research, there are findings which points to the following as possible causes of the condition: * Excessive salt intake. Taking in large amounts of salt increases the body’s ability to retain fluids. As a result, women who experience the condition should limit their salt intake. In relation to this, one should drink no less than about 8 glasses of water a day. This is because a steady supply of non-caffeinated and non-alcoholic drinks “informs” the body that there is no need to retain fluids, such as what happens in fibrocystic breast condition. * Frequent consumption of fatty and oily foods. Studies seem to show that fatty and oily foods increase the incidence of fibrocystic breast condition. As such, what experts recommend is a low-fat diet that also includes servings of fresh fruits and vegetables. * Caffeine. Drinking caffeinated products regularly is also a known factor in causing fibrocystic breast condition. Treatment for Fibrocystic Breast Condition Although not cancerous, fibrocystic breast condition can cause a great deal of pain. Moreover, the condition can also be annoying. However, there is little known as far as treatment of the condition goes. As such, most intervention is geared toward minimizing symptoms for the reduction of the uneasiness that a woman may feel. The following are the most common means to reduce the symptoms of fibrocystic breast condition: * Medication. Taking pain reliever is the easiest and most convenient way to reduce the pain associated with the condition. * Wear the proper and exact-fitting bra. This is to provide the breasts with sufficient support. In some instances, it may be even needed to wear a bra even when asleep. * Apply heating pads or towels soaked in hot water to provide relief from the discomfort.

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