Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Addressing Your Breast Health Concerns

Breast health is a very important aspect of a women’s health. This is because there are many risk factors that affect the breasts, most of which may result in serious conditions such as breast cancer. In some instances, a woman may not be even aware of having some form of breast disease until it is already advanced and too little can be possibly done. This is why it is important to seek medical attention even at the slightest of changes that a woman may notice on her breasts. Perhaps one of the greatest ironies that include women’s health is the fact that the breasts—the very part of their body that is vital to nourish life—is the same organ that can be easily affected with several forms of diseases that can have fatal results. This is an unusual twist of nature that the means to nourish life is also the same organ that can take life away. Moreover, what is more alarming is the fact that diseases affecting the breasts suddenly appears and in another sense of cruelty, they show symptoms only when it has become rather too late to counter them. What Are the Common Signs of Breast Problems? In most breast diseases, such as breast cancer, symptoms appear only in the last stage of the disease, making it very difficult to treat. In order to catch any breast problem at the earliest stage possible, the following are the most common signs that may give a clue to possible breast problems: * Pain in any part of the breast * Unexplained and sudden swelling of the breast * Redness of the breast, sometimes due to inflammation * Discharges from the nipples * Tenderness and firmness of the breasts When any of the abovementioned signs are experienced, one should not waste time in seeking immediate medical advice. What Should be Done once Breast Problems are Observed? Once a woman suspects that something is the matter with her breasts, she should seek immediate medical attention. Depending on the severity of problems, a doctor may recommend a variety of means to counter the disease such as changing her lifestyle, infusing a new diet, and taking in food supplements to provide the body with much needed nutrients. However, in the more advanced cases, surgery offers the only hope for better health by eliminating the source of the problem. Are There any Ways to Prevent Breast Diseases? It is still unclear to doctors the process or causes that bring about most breast problems. In the end, what they recommend is to practice a healthy lifestyle, specially avoiding those activities and foods that may be harmful to the breasts. In terms of lifestyle, it is suggested that one should avoid drinking and smoking as well as wearing the right kind and fit of bra to offer enough support to the breasts. A woman must also make sure that she is getting enough of the proper nutrients to strengthen the body’s immune system and keep diseases at bay.

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